Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sage advice

Yesterday, Tommy was using the weedeater in the back yard, and he knocked my gazing globe off its pedestal and shattered it. Faith was in the yard with him and went over to see what had happened. Solemnly, she told him, "Daddy, when I break something, I hide it."

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Things Faith says ...

Faith: "Daddy, you are so, so nauseous!"
Tommy: ????
Me: "I think she means 'obnoxious.'"

Faith: "I picked up all my toys, and now my floor is clean as an elephant!"
Me: "As an elephant?"
Faith: "Well, no, elephants are dirty. It's clean as a giraffe!"

Me: "This room is a mess; you need to pick it up."
Faith: "But I just made this mess!"

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