A sample: R2-D2's soliloquy
This golden droid has been a friend, 'tis true,
And yet I wish to still his prating tongue!
An imp, he calleth me? I'll be reveng'd,
And merry pranks aplenty I shall play
Upon this pompous droid C-3PO!
Yet not in language shall these pranks be done:
Around both humans and the droids I must
Be seen to make such errant beeps and squeaks
That they shall think me simple. Truly, though,
Although with sounds oblique I speak to them,
I clearly see how I shall play my part,
And how a vast rebellion shall succeed
By wit and wisdom of a simple droid.
[Exit R2-D2 into escape pod.
There's also an audiobook, which sounds very well done from the sample provided on the product page, but half the fun is in doing your own dramatic reading and hitting just the right Mark Hamill whine on lines like "But unto Tosche Station would I go/ And there obtain some pow'r converters. Fie!"