Thursday, June 19, 2008

Previously, on Veronica Mars....

Wow. Checking my Sent Items folder, I find that I haven't sent out pics of the kids since last March. So I'll try to get everyone caught up.

This picture is of Eric's 1st birthday last summer. The Cookie Monster cake was just too cute. Faith got a very blue tongue.

This is Faith last Halloween, as a "fairy princess," I guess. It's a costume I put together from hand-me-down dress-up clothes. This year, she needs a less frilly costume, as the skirt kept getting in her way climbing the 15-foot-high slide on the "obstacle course" inflatable at our church carnival. I ended up tucking it into the bike shorts she was wearing underneath.

And this is the bike Faith got for her 5th birthday. In contrast to the slide at Halloween, which I couldn't believe she climbed so nonchalantly, she's a very cautious bike-rider. Eric can easily outrun her on foot.

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