Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sage advice

Yesterday, Tommy was using the weedeater in the back yard, and he knocked my gazing globe off its pedestal and shattered it. Faith was in the yard with him and went over to see what had happened. Solemnly, she told him, "Daddy, when I break something, I hide it."


PT said...

sounds like a typical kid thing to do (hide things) but unusual for a kid to admit to it...

question: what is a gazing globe?

Okay, found it: Yard Globe

Somebody on wikipedia thinks it is a premier example of camp or kitsch...hehehe (or should that be lmao)...suggest you go edit that out of the wikipedia article...

From Long Ago and Far Away

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted a place for a gazing globe, although I'd probably be too scared to look in it -- did you read *Jane-Emily* (Patricia Clapp, I think) when you were young? Scary stuff.

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