Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I turned off the computer to get ready for bed last night just before I remembered I hadn't posted in the blog.  Didn't go back and boot up again, so I'll be making up with a Saturday post again this week.

I took Faith to the periodontist this morning.  Her gums have been perpetually inflamed above her top front teeth for a few months, so her dentist referred her to a periodontist to have her checked out.  The periodontist thinks it's probably a combination of her breathing through her mouth when she sleeps and drying out the gums and her top front permanent teeth not being fully in yet, so there are pockets in the gums where they can't bond to the enamel.  To satisfy our dentist's curiosity we're paying $90 for that opinion, instructions to put Vaseline on her gums before bed every night, and a follow-up visit in a few weeks to see if there's any change for which we'll probably pay another $90.  (Vaseline doesn't stick to gums very well, by the way.)

As we were leaving the office, however, I noticed the building directory next to the elevator and saw Jessica Brigati, DDS.  There was a Jessica Brigati two years behind me in high school.  How many Jessica Brigatis could there be?  So we went back up to her office, and I asked the receptionist if the doctor was from Oklahoma City.  Turned out to be the same Jessica Brigati, with an office five minutes from my house!  If she hadn't kept her maiden name (for the sake of her practice, I assume), I never would have known.

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