Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What we're reading now

Faith finished reading The Silver Chair and has moved on to The Cricket in Times Square.  Her art curriculum had a section on collage last week, and the activity was to make a collage illustrating a scene from a story.  She chose to make the main characters of The Cricket in Time Square: Chester Cricket, Harry Cat, and Tucker Mouse.  As a rule, I don't think she has any great talent in art, but I thought this turned out quite nicely.  I helped her with Chester's back legs, but she did all the cutting and pasting herself for the rest of the figures.

Eric has started reading some of Faith's old Curious George books: He read Curious George's First Day of School on what would have been his first day of kindergarten and has now moved on to Curious George Takes a Train.

As for me, I'm still working on my stack of magazines, trying to make progress as new issues keep coming in to add to the pile.  Now that swim lessons are back in session, that gives me a bit of reading time two days a week, although I generally end up spending that forty minutes reading the newspaper I didn't have time to get to in the morning.

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