Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Sexy Dinosaur

On the subject of the depiction of women in fantasy art, in one of these pictures Wonder Woman is wearing, well, as many clothes as she ever does, and in the other she's entirely naked, save for a strategically-placed sheet; and yet, the "fully-clothed" Wonder Woman is far less offensive (also, far less top-heavy).

Blogger David Brothers compares art of the same character as drawn by different artists -- Wonder Woman, here, and Psylocke (who, frankly, I've never heard of, but whatever), here -- and demonstrates that it's not about how heavily-clothed a female character is (contra those who shout that those who object to women being sexualized in popular culture want to put them in burqas) but about depicting women as competent independent agents rather than pin-up dolls that exist to be super-sexy.  It's like Halloween costumes for women: Sexy Pirate, Sexy Minion, Sexy Dinosaur, whereas men can just be Pirate, Minion, Dinosaur.

And, just for fun, here's what one of the most reviled comic-cover poses really looks like when modeled in 3D.

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