Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So check me out. I've joined the 21st century, and only 7 years late.

Friends have pointed out that I used to send out pics & news regularly when I only had the one kid, but since the new baby (now almost 2) arrived, we're all apparently suffering from a debilitating disease which precludes photography & typing. Meanwhile, I am shamed by Becky, who has 4 kids and another on the way and still manages to keep a blog. So, if she can do it, I can too, right? (It's a theory, anyway.)

I still have to figure out how to put pictures in this thing. So, work in progress....

1 comment:

mamabeck said...

No shame, babycakes!
A blog's a great way to get the writer out every once in a while, record those "can't miss 'em" things that the kids say, and share the pics you forget to email to everyone!
Love it!

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