Thursday, August 28, 2008

Making Their Move

My parents have moved. Actually, they've been in the new house for 2 weeks now, but life is just beginning to settle back down to the point where I can think about getting caught up. I haven't read the newspaper since August 16th, so I have a big stack to get to. By the time I have a chance to get outraged about something, it'll all be over.

The moving truck didn't show up on the day of the move until 9 PM, and it was well after midnight before they got everything unloaded. (The poor movers had a 4-hour drive back ahead of them and had to be at work again at 8 AM.) I spent the first four days or so at their house, unpacking. There are still boxes against the walls up there, but they fall into a few distinct categories: things that were stored in a closet or shed for years at the old house, pictures and things to hang on the wall (I hate to start putting the first nails into a smooth, freshly-painted wall), stuff that should be thrown away because no one's ever going to use it (far too much of this), and stuff that's mine that I have to get around to eBaying, trashing, or otherwise disposing of.

So while life is not "back to normal," it's at least heading in that direction. The kids love having Mawmaw & Poppy so near. Faith's been at their house every day since they've been here; they might be getting sick of her! I hope to blog more regularly with The Big Move behind me.

Oh, and I did end up getting the new vent covers up. I returned the ones I had to Lowe's and bought Home Depot's brand. I'm not a big Home Depot fan and shop Lowe's instead when I can ( long story involving a Christmas tree), but the old air registers must have come from there: The screw holes lined up exactly!

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