Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like ...

What to our wondering eyes did appear this morning but Christmas Eve snow! The pretty kind, too: big, fat, wet flakes drifting down like feathers. Of course, considering that it was 70 yesterday, it's not going to stick long, but it was pretty while it lasted (and I'm not too sorry that it melted immediately on the roads, seeing as how I have some last-minute errands to run before Christmas).
Faith was very excited to get out and play in it, but Eric, while excited about seeing it through the windows, balked at actually going out in it. We just coaxed him out for a few moments to take this picture.

We hope everyone's Christmas is merry!

1 comment:

mamabeck said...

awww...just give him time...he'll be straining at the back door, flexible flyer in hand, ready to hit the hill and spin all the way to the fence. Do you have a power line with death-trap icicles, too? ~giggle~

cute pics!

Merry Christmas!!!

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