Monday, January 5, 2015

Book review: Enough by Kate Conner

Saturday I finished reading my second book of 2015, Enough: 10 Things We Should Be Telling Teenage Girls by Kate Conner.  Based on a blog post by a youth worker that went viral, it aims to help teens avoid mistakes that will at best waste their time and energy and at worst negatively affect their lives for years to come.

One of the things is that smoking is not cool, and it frankly boggles my mind that is even an open question in this day and age.  I didn't even know anyone who smoked when I was a teenager, lo these many moons ago, and I'm stunned every time I see young people huddled at the back doors of their jobs, smoking on break.  Conner is writing from the old South, however, North Carolina, in particular, and cigarettes are much more a part of the culture there.  I well remember mornings when the wind was just right and you could smell the tobacco from the R.J. Reynolds plant all over campus.  (It actually smells great before you set it on fire!)

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