Friday, December 18, 2015

"But they're cousins! Identical cousins, all the way!"

So, yeah, there's this little movie that just opened called "The Force Awakens": you may have heard of it.

No, I haven't seen it yet.  We sat on the sidewalk for hours to see an opening Saturday showing the "The Phantom Menace" back in the day, and that convinced me that seeing a Star Wars movie on opening weekend isn't worth the hassle.  We will see it, but it might not be until after Christmas.

Anyway, obviously, everyone everywhere is doing some sort of Star Wars branding, which led to me reading this analysis of the success or lack thereof of the post-Star Wars careers of the actors involved, which led to me only just now realizing that the fake Amidala/lookalike handmaiden from "Phantom Menace" was played by Kiera Knightley.  All these years, I thought Natalie Portman was doing a Patty Duke/Samantha Stevens lookalike cousin thing with a split screen.

So what lesson can be drawn from this?  Heavily made-up women are interchangeable à la Robert Palmer videos?  Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman ought to play twins?  "The Phantom Menace" explained way too much about midichlorians and trade agreements and used too much CGI and didn't spend enough time on the main characters?  All of the above?

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