Saturday, March 4, 2017

Book review: Facing the Facts by Stan and Brenna Jones

The sixteenth book I read in 2017 was Facing the Facts: The Truth about Sex and You by Stan and Brenna Jones.  This book is the fourth in a Christian sex-ed series meant to guide children from preschool through age fourteen.  I skipped over the first two books but have picked up these last two for use in homeschooling.

This book, designed for kids from age 11 to 14, has detailed anatomical drawings of male and female sex organs and describes their function. Separate chapters detail the process of puberty in boys and girls, and another covers conception, pregnancy, and childbirth.  The final four chapters give reasons not to engage in premarital sex, with some limited information on sexually-transmitted diseases and birth control methods, mostly to highlight the dangers of the former and unreliability of the latter.

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