Sunday, July 16, 2017

Book review: Through the Gate in the Sea by Howard Andrew Jones

The fortieth book I read in 2017 was Through the Gate in the Sea, the sequel to Beyond the Pool of Stars by Howard Andrew Jones.  I enjoyed the previous book and went into this one with high hopes.

While recovering a family heirloom magic ring which was lost in the previous book, Mirian Raas and her crew discover the wreck of an ancient lizardfolk ship.  They also discover that Mirian has a bounty on her head, when they are attacked by pirate Meric Ensara and his crew.  Ivrian and Jeneta return from the previous book, and Mirian reconnects with her estranged half-sister Charlyn in a quest for a legendary island of lizardfolk.  Unfortunately, that island is also rumored to be the site of a legendary treasure, which attracts the attention of unsavory rivals.

I didn't enjoy this book as much as the previous one, though Meric and Charlyn are interesting additions to the cast of characters.  The end calls out for a sequel, and I'll be sure to read it if one is forthcoming.

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