Sunday, April 15, 2018

Book review: The Story of Reality by Gregory Koukl

The ninth book I read in 2018 was The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Gregory Koukl.  Koukl is an apologist, and this is a worldview book, and a good one.

Worldview asks the question 'why': why is everything the way it is?  Koukl answers the question from the Christian perspective in five words: God, man, Jesus, cross, and redemption.  He is fair, in my opinion, in evaluating other worldviews, which he clusters into Mind-ism and Matter-ism, and rejects them on the basis that they fail adequately to respond to the problem of evil. 

This is an evangelistic book which, at its culmination, delivers a clear call to decision.  It is well-written and theologically rigorous and represents a good starting point for those who question whether Christianity, or theism in general, is intellectually defensible.

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