Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When life gives you lemons...

Sunday after lunch, our doorbell rang, and it was Faith's friend Olivia from across the street. She had talked her mom into letting her have a lemonade stand in their driveway and wanted Faith to come help her run it.  (Eric went along too, but he didn't want his picture taken so he's hiding under the table in between.)  They stayed out there for about two hours and made $12 (only half of which was attributable to my mom and me).  There were some very nice people in our neighborhood who came and bought lemonade at a dollar a cup, including one man who threw on his brakes in the middle of the street, rolled down his window, and said, "Is that lemonade?  That's just what I've been wanting!"  They each took home four dollars (and some sunburned cheeks, in Faith's case).

1 comment:

Leslie said...

A dollar a cup! That's some powerful inflation since I was a kid.

Each summer there are a couple of news reports about cops busting lemonade stands for not having proper permits. So I'm glad they avoided *that*.

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