Sunday, October 2, 2011

Breaking the Fourth Firewall

So, today we're going to get a little meta and blog about blogging.

You might have noticed that this blog post is being typed today (Sunday) and not on Friday like it was supposed to be.  Friday night, after I'd gotten the kids bathed and pajamed and brushed of tooth and flossed and ointmented of gums and have-you-gone-potty-I-don't-care-if-you-think-you-don't-have-to-try-anywayed and bedtime storied and kissed and tucked in, I was left staring at a blank New Post screen.  There are several times I think of something reasonably clever to write about during the day, but by the time I have the time to actually sit down and blog, I'm just too exhausted to try to squeeze a few paragraphs out of an idea.  That's what happened to me Friday night.  I knew I had two off-days coming up in the weekend, so I decided to grant myself a reprieve and blog on Saturday.

Only obviously it's not Saturday.  It's Sunday.  Because once I'd granted myself one reprieve, it was easy to procrastinate again and grant myself another.  Which leads to some thoughts about this blogging resolution:

First, I need to take better advantage of the weekends to "pre-blog": get some posts typed up over the weekend so I can just grab one, polish it up, and post it on those weekday nights when I just want to turn the computer off and go to bed.

Second, this daily blogging is murder.  Can't keep this pace up next year.  Which leads to...

Point the third: if I don't have the pressure of (week)daily blogging, what can I use to motivate myself?  I obviously need the motivation a resolution brings, but without a set schedule, I'm prone to procrastinate.  A commitment to, say, three blogs a week won't work, because as much as I may have the best of intentions to post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the very fact that I can put it off to one of the other four days in the week will most likely equate to not blogging until the end of the week and a great deal of effort put into semantical issues like, Is Sunday technically the first day or the last day of the week, because it depends on which calendar you're using?

So, is a puzzlement.  I have three months to think about it.

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