Saturday, January 23, 2016

Book review: Not God's Type by Holly Ordway

The third book I read in 2016 was Not God's Type: An Atheist Academic Lays Down Her Arms by Holly Ordway. The author, an English professor at the time of her conversion, describes her journey to Christian faith through the witness of her fencing coach.  It has striking similarities to Rosaria Champagne Butterfield's memoir, which is unsurprising due to their shared academic settings and waystations on the road to faith.

It is also reminiscent of Something Other Than God by Jennifer Fulwiler, a book I read in 2014 also published by Ignatius Press.  If you know Ignatius Press, you'll not be surprised to note that both Fulwiler and Ordway end up professing Roman Catholics.  (This is actually the second edition of Ordway's book; the first ended with her as a Protestant and was published by Moody Press.)  I can't help but wonder why so many passionate and articulate converts end up in the Roman Catholic Church (my hypothesis: Ignatius Press is on it while evangelical publishing companies are busy publishing travelogues of heaven, reality TV tie-ins, and self-help books), but at least we have Butterfield and Susan Isaacs on this side of the Wittenburg Cathedral door.

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