Friday, January 1, 2016


Last night, Tommy and I rang in the new year watching TV.  First, we rewatched season 1 of Galavant in preparation for the second season premiere this Sunday.  That show was made for binge-watching; I actually enjoyed it more the second time around.  The first time through, I had a hard time with the pacing and figuring out what was important.  Now that I've already seen it, I know nothing was important; it was just all fun.  On a second viewing, I can forget about plot and just enjoy the insanity.

  My favorite song is the "love theme":

My second favorite is "Secret Mission," when Galavant and Richard drunkenly carouse through the castle corridors carrying oversized pole arms hoping to quietly assassinate Kingsley while singing at the top of their lungs: "Secret, secret!  Hush, hush, hush!"

Seriously, though, the costume design on Madalena is amazing, as she goes over the course of the season from Snow White to full-on Wicked Queen.  Richard and Gareth, on the other hand, move in the other direction, from stereotypical antagonists to the sweetest things EVER who totally deserve happy endings of their own, without ever changing clothes.

Everyone should totally tune in Sunday nights this January.  The ratings were poor enough last year that the opening number/promo for season 2 openly boggles that they got a second season, but if this one ends on a cliffhanger anything like last year's, we must have a season three!

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