Thursday, October 6, 2011

More about Person of Interest

Watched the third episode last night.  From what I've read, the second episode had a notable drop-off in ratings after the premiere.  Perhaps I am once again being taken in by my residual goodwill for a cast member.  Then again, there have been some excellent TV series that have suffered from low ratings.

I find myself more interested in Finch's mysterious backstory than in Reese's.  Tonight we saw another flashback to Reese's old girlfriend who supposedly ends up murdered sometime before the present day.  She approaches him in a chance meeting in an airport in 2006, obviously still hung up on him but sporting a really chintzy engagement ring.  Obviously as unimpressed with the diamond as I was, she offers to dump her fiance if Reese will just ask her to wait for him (which, naturally, he does sotto voce after she walks away).  Very cliche.  Just once, wouldn't it be nice if the ex-girlfriend turns out to be happily married and not just settling for some architect who'll keep her warm and fed and dry while still pining after the action hero who got away?  Oh, well, we know she ends up dead anyway, so why bother giving her a more interesting life?

The most interesting facet of the episode to me was the appearance of the late, lamented Captain Montgomery from "Castle" (sorry, but Sherry Palmer has yet to do anything but annoy me as his replacement), playing a bad guy who owns a bar and sets up bank robberies by military veterans on the side. I swear the bar they shot in is the same one from last season's finale of "Castle" where Ryan and Esposito discovered the photograph that implicated the Captain in the Huge, Convoluted, All-Encompassing Conspiracy which the show feels necessary to include.  (Really, going to do a post on "Castle" one of these days.)

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