Monday, October 31, 2011

Taking stock

So tonight was the actual night for trick-or-treating.  Last year was cold and windy; this year, it was clear and 70 degrees: a much more pleasant walk.  There seemed to be fewer houses with their lights on this year than last -- maybe it was because Halloween was on a weekend last year rather than  a Monday night -- but, as always, the people in our neighborhood are very generous with their handouts.  By the time we made the loop around our neighborhood and zigzagged down most of the cross streets, both kids pumpkins were almost full to the brim, and Eric was tired and ready to go home.  I took him back to our house when we passed by, while Tommy took Faith on to hit three more streets.  She had to pack her stash down to keep it from overflowing the plastic pumpkin, and Tommy was carrying it for her when they got back.  Last year, I weighed each pumpkin at over three pounds.  This year, Eric's clocked in at 3.5 pounds, while Faith's almost tipped five!  Here she is, sorting her loot.

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