Friday, July 24, 2015

Hawkeye this! has a Photoshop-spread of what "hot" video game women would look like if they weren't imaginary.  Two things immediately struck me about the comparisons.  One was that, for the most part, the characters were still extemely attractive without being immediately off-putting to me as a woman because they're blatant sexual objects.  (Lara Croft and the Moral Kombat chick might want to consider more flattering shorts.)

Two is that, with the exception of the Final Fantasy chick, their busts stayed basically the same size.  Programmer-nerds apparently want real-woman busts on starved-model frames.  Doesn't work that way in the real world, boys, unless they're implants.

I still think Real-Girl Barbie is cuter than the My-Cheekbones-Are-Wider-Than-My-Waist original, too.

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