Sunday, November 22, 2015

Book review: 100 Cupboards by N. D. Wilson

The forty-seventh book I read in 2015 was 100 Cupboards by N. D. Wilson. Faith read this one before me; I'd heard good things about the trilogy and picked up a copy at Half Price Books.

Henry York is sent to live with an aunt and uncle in small-town Kansas when the overprotective parents he has never been comfortable with disappear in South America.  At first, his new living situation seems to be a welcome second chance at normalcy.  That's before the plaster in the wall of his attic bedroom begins to crack, to reveal the first of ninety-nine small cupboards, which don't open onto the Kansas prairie but into separate worlds.

There's a lot of Narnia in this book, particularly the Wood between the Worlds of The Magician's Nephew, a bit of A Wrinkle in Time, and several sly Easter eggs to The Wizard of Oz.

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