Sunday, November 1, 2015

From today's Parade Magazine, where journalism goes to die

From this puff piece on Daniel Craig, promoting the new Bond film: biographer David Thomson claims that Craig is the "least handsome" of the actors who've played the spy....  Thomson also says Craig is the most taciturn, "almost as if he had always wanted to be an actor instead of a star."
And yet from his very first outing in Casino Royale (2006), Craig has been a very believable Bond....
[My bolding]

Thomson's kiss-up to Craig (and snide implied put-down of the other Bonds) aside, it's "nice" to see the same bland incredulousness that was applied to Colleen McCullough in her obituary can smack men upside the head as well.  "Gosh, Daniel Craig's no George Clooney, and yet he's a good actor! It's almost as if a person's physical attractiveness has no relation to their value in other elements of life at all!"

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