Thursday, January 6, 2011

How I Spent My Summer Vacation, Part One

Well, so here's our main event for 2010. Tommy had been playing basketball on occasional Saturdays for more than a decade. Back in 2006, he came down wrong from a jump and partially tore the ACL in his right knee. He had to take a few weeks off from work but was able to rehab it with therapy and avoid surgery. This April ... not so much. He hurt the same knee, completing the ACL tear and also tearing the meniscus, and this time had to have it surgically repaired.

So he was off work and home with us from the end of April until the end of August. Faith, who doesn't normally have a summer vacation from homeschool, did this year, and I got way behind on my reading. Not that we didn't have a pretty good time, all staying home together, despite the crutches and therapy and doctor's appointments, but it was a definite break from routine. More to come, on the kids' activities this summer.

(The family photo was taken at church Easter Sunday, a few weeks before Tommy's injury.)

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