Monday, January 17, 2011

Spoilers for tonight's "Chuck"!


Seriously, I'm going to totally give away the ending, so if you haven't seen it yet and intend to, go elsewhere....


So, at the end of tonight's "Chuck," the titular spy/nerd was in the midst of proposing to Sarah, when they were interrupted by CIA agents arresting her for treason. Later, Chuck was determined to finish his question, even if it was in a holding cell rather than the Loire Valley, when Sarah told him she was voluntarily leaving to go undercover in the Big Bad guy's organization. Their tearful goodbye kiss was followed with Chuck sadly snapping shut the lid of his ring box.

Tommy and I, hardened TV veterans that we are, were not at all taken aback by this turn of events. We've been around the block enough to know that any real proposals will take place during the season finale (or episode 13, in this particular instance, since the original season order was for 13 episodes and was later expanded to 24 -- Ta da! Instant double-climax story arc!). As I turned off the TV before we had to watch the first moments of "The Cape," however, we heard sniffles between us on the couch. Faith had tears running down her face because Chuck and Sarah were being separated. We had to explain to her that everything will be fine by episode thirteen.

It reminded me of a time when she was three and we had just bought Curious George for her for Christmas. (Oh, I'm going to spoil that movie, too: be warned.) We put it in for her to watch in the bedroom while we went about our business. After about an hour, she came out crying hysterically. We calmed her down enough for her to gasp out, in answer to our questions what was wrong, that they were taking the monkey away. (In the movie, the Man with the Yellow Hat decides to send the trouble-making George back to Africa before almost immediately coming to his senses and deciding he wants to keep him.) Anyone who had ever seen a movie before would know that this was just a big set-up for an exciting chase after the ship and touching reunion; to Faith, it was the end of the world. By promising her that the monkey would be back with the Man in the Yellow Hat very soon and everything would end happily, I got her to continue watching. What must it be like to not know that a children's animated feature will have a happy ending!

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