Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"I am your father!"

Faith watched the Star Wars trilogy with Tommy this past weekend for -- well, I won't say for the first time, because I know she's sat on the couch while he was watching it before, but for the first time that she's paid any attention to the story line.  Her gasp at the big reveal about Luke's parentage at the end of "The Empire Strikes Back" was amusing.  I don't remember ever not knowing who Luke's father was -- it was common knowledge by the time I ever cared enough to watch the movies -- but I suppose "Empire" was the "The Sixth Sense" of its day.  (I had that one spoiled for me too, by a reviewer who wrote that he didn't want to spoil the ending but Shyamalan had obviously read "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge."  So obviously he didn't want to spoil the ending for anyone except those familiar with "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.")

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