Thursday, July 21, 2011

Four VBS Sessions and a Sleepover

Tonight was the last night of our four-day VBS.  Back in June, when I suggested that Alyssa come spend the night with Faith during VBS, it seemed pleasantly far away, but this week I had to pay the piper.  (Hence yesterday's musing about whether to take them to a movie.)  Honestly, if I have to have any extra child in the house for 22 hours, it would be Alyssa.  She's quiet and polite and undemanding; she doesn't taunt the cat or insist on playing without Eric.  They colored and played hide-and-seek and flew paper airplanes and watched "Tangled," and we went to a McDonald's with an indoor playplace for lunch for an hour or so.  Honestly, it was less work than being home with just Faith and Eric all day, as I didn't have to referee as many fights.

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