Friday, July 15, 2011

Isn't it ironic? Dont'cha think?

So, I'm reading a WSJ article about Simon Cowell launching his new show this fall and read this:

Mr. Cowell, 51 years old, sipped on his specially formulated antiaging smoothie, which he drinks daily, made with imported lingonberry, acerola berry, chokeberry and aronia juice flowing in specially from exotic locations.
Two "specially"s in the same sentence: that's a proofreading error, but whatever.  The next paragraph quotes Simon pontificating on the stakes of his new venture he rode down Collins Avenue, blowing smoke from his Kool cigarettes out the open window.

So he spends untold amounts of money having weird berries flown in from exotic locations daily in the hopes of countering the effects of aging ... and he smokes?  That's like spending hours a day working out with personal trainers to stay slim and then eating pizza and doughnuts at every meal. 

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