Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Vision quest

Faith had her first real eye exam today.  My parents took me to the eye doctor for the first time when they realized I couldn't read the name of a town on a water tower on a trip to my grandparents' house at the age of seven.  With Faith, I just knew genetics were in play.  (My uncorrected vision is 20/400 or something ridiculous like that.)

The doctor found her vision to be 20/40: nearsighted and likely to get worse, as I did.  She's very excited about getting her new glasses and was disappointed it will take them a week to make and ship them, and Eric is jealous he's not getting glasses (yet -- his first visit to the ophthalmologist will come).  I'm regretful.  While I'm glad she's excited about getting glasses, I know the hassle will eventually overcome the fashion statement.  At this point, the doctor says she only needs to wear them for distance, like watching TV or going to the movies, but I used to only wear mine to school when I started out.  And I can't help the nonsensical notion that if I hadn't taken her for the eye exam, the problem wouldn't have existed.  Of course, it would have; we just wouldn't have known about it for a while.  Still, if it bought her another year or two of not wearing glasses...?

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