Friday, October 7, 2011

There's no U in "irony"

Growing up, I went to a private school that required a uniform so whenever I went somewhere after school -- piano lessons, church, Campfire Girls, etc. -- I was always wearing my dorky little plaid jumper while all the rest of the kids were in real clothes, and I hated it.  Yes, I could shed the plaid and wear the gym shorts that went under them for modesty and ease of changing for P.E., but I wasn't fooling anyone.  Gym shorts with my school's name on them and a white button-down shirt with a Peter Pan collar do not a fashionable ensemble make.

Flash forward to today, and now all the public school kids are wearing uniforms.  My homeschooled kids are now the one standing out in the crowd at the McDonald's PlayPlace because they're wearing real clothes while all the rest of the kids are in khakis and solid navy or white polos.

1 comment:

mamabeck said...

One more reason to homeschool, yes? ;)

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