Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Meals, or The Irony of Do-Goodism

So, Happy Meals.  I have been a connoisseuse thereof twice in my life, once when I was eating them and now again that I'm buying them for my kids.  (The toys are way better now, by the way.  McDonald's was still producing their own when I was in the target demographic; now they're licensed by different toy, movie and TV companies.  See below Faith's My Little Ponies, each of which was a free toy in a Happy Meal box.)

McDonald's has been under fire, however, for the epidemic of overweight children, so they recently introduced a new healthier Happy Meal.  One used to have a choice of either apple slices or fries as a side item, but the meddlesome forces of good felt that too few parents ordered the apples.  Now there is no more option: each Happy Meal comes with a smaller bag of apples in addition to fries.

The net result for my family is that the new healthier Happy Meal is actually less healthy.  I always used to order apple slices with the kids' McNuggets.  Now, I get two bags of fries and fewer apples with our meals, when I used to get more fruit and no fries.  Way to go, Helen Lovejoys of the world.  Job well done.

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