Friday, December 2, 2011

The periodical table

During Tommy's two weeks off at Thanksgiving, we actually put the kids to bed early one night and made a little incursion into the spare room.  You can kind of walk in there now.  Anyway, of all the things I didn't need to find in there, I ran across a stack of five or six magazines from summer 2010 that I never read.  I sighed but dutifully put them into my big tote bag o' periodicals with all the magazines I've been trying to catch up on since last April.

This morning was my second-to-last Friday morning sitting in McDonald's for three hours while Faith is at Zoo Academy, but since I felt a lot less guilty about merely skimming through 18-month-old magazines than the fresh new ones, I am now down to three magazines to read before my bag is empty.  Granted, a couple of them are fairly thick, as they're the quarterly sort (and one is a special Winter/Spring double edition), but unless I get a whole new slew of them in the mail this week (and most of what I'm getting in the mail now is holiday catalogs), there is a definite light at the end of the tunnel.  I might actually get to read some of the books I got for last Christmas by this Christmas.

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