Monday, February 14, 2011

Slumber party

Well, kinda. We'll get to it in a minute.

This is a photo of Faith and Eric last October, when I had just bought them the Pillow Pets that Faith in particular had been asking for for months. It amused me recently to see Pillow Pets pictured in a parenting magazine article on current fads. When Faith said everyone had one, seems like she was right; all her friends have them, anyway.

She got her new Pillow Pet just in time to go on her first sleepover later that month. Her friend Alyssa turned 8, and her parents let her invite a friend over to spend the night in lieu of a party. Faith was thrilled, especially since she now had the de rigeur sleepover accessory. I remembered my first sleepovers and how they ended with a phone call to my dad in the middle of the night to come pick me up, but I needn't have worried about Faith. She cried because she didn't want to come home the next day!

Anyway, when Faith turned 8 a few weeks ago, we returned the invitation. The ice on the roads made us postpone it the first weekend after her birthday (although the weekend turned out to be lovely, contra the forecasters), so we went and picked up Alyssa on Saturday afternoon (along with her Pillow Pet, of course -- she has the pig). We all went out for pizza that evening, and the manager at the pizza buffet, who's known Faith since she was a toddler, gave us a free pizza and tray full of cinnamon rolls to take home for her sleepover. (She took Alyssa right up to him when we got there to introduce her to Quyen and tell him she was on a sleepover; he's like a friend of the family. The kids are very disappointed when we go there on his day off. "Where's my guy?" Eric demands with a pouting lip.)

We had a successful overnighter. The girls stayed up past 12:30 talking after we put them in bed at tennish. I got everyone up and dressed and to Sunday School on time the next morning. Alyssa lost a watch and an earring, and I found both. So yay me!

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