Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Zoo school

Faith and Eric went to zoo school this Saturday: a morning class where they learn about a particular animal, make a craft, take a field trip into the zoo to see their animal, and sometimes have an animal come into their classroom. Faith has been going since last winter/spring; Eric's first class was last fall. (Before the age of 4, it's a parent-child class, and I figured if I was going to have to sit at the zoo with him, I'd rather wander around with him on my own schedule than try and keep him focussed on the classroom presentation. So that's what the 2 of us did while Faith was in zoo school: looked at animals and rode the carousel and the train, then picked up Faith afterwards and went to lunch.)

Faith's class this week was "They Came From Beneath the Sea," so she made a jellyfish and got to touch a live starfish. Eric's class was "Read Ya Later, Alligator," and he made an alligator hat (there's a tail on the back of his head) and went to see the saltwater crocodile.

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