Monday, February 28, 2011

A passage to India

Our church has a tradition of doing a "Parade of Nations" for its annual missions emphasis. They hadn't done it in a few years and decided to put it back on the schedule for this year. Faith was very excited about being in a parade. She signed up for India, because a sari seemed like a low sewing-intensive costume choice. (I don't sew. Much like math and science, sewing depends on being exact. I'm not an exact kind of person, more of a close-enough kind of person. Close-enough doesn't mesh well with sewing.)

I went to the fabric store, looking for a suitable drape-y fabric and was surprised to find a whole row of bolts of fabric specifically for saris. I got a little carried away with the beautiful prints. This blue floral is gorgeous, but a plain cotton batik would probably have draped better and been less slippy. My mom hemmed the rough edges and basted it at the right length, and I attached it with 3 safety pins and an elastic string. Faith had a great time being in the spotlight. Here she is with the flag of India she carried down the aisle.

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