Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A very "Tangled" birthday

Faith turned 8 years old today. We've been iced in since Tuesday morning, but we managed to get out far enough today on the icy roads to pick up her Rapunzel cake from the bakery. UPS has been slacking off this week as well; a package with one of her presents has been sitting in a nearby town for more than 24 hours waiting for the roads to clear. Fortunately, I had some presents bought the old-fashioned way: by driving to the store for them earlier. She got the "Tangled" storybook and Flynn Rider doll she wanted to go with the Rapunzel she got for Christmas, plus a "Tangled" shirt. My parents also walked the 3 blocks through the coldest weather in the area in 15 years to watch her blow out her candles and bring her a pink butterfly watch.

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