Monday, March 21, 2011

Snooze button

So, here's how I woke up this morning -- and most mornings.

Never having been a morning person, I stay in bed while Tommy gets up and goes to work. The kids used always to be up before he left the house, but "springing forward" for Daylight Savings Time has thrown them off their game so he gets some quiet time in the mornings for now.

Faith can turn on PBS and open Poptart wrappers, so the kids get up and do their own morning thing, as well. However, their own morning thing quickly escalates into fighting ... over toys, over which side of the couch they're sitting on, over who knows what. So my morning alarm generally involves screaming. Eric is louder than Faith; I generally hear him call her the worst name he can think of, which is "nincompoop." (I don't know where he heard it, but I'm sure he latched on to it due to the final syllable.) Then they chase each other around the house, yelling, until I get up, turn off the TV, and send them to their rooms.

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