Friday, March 25, 2011

What other people are apparently reading now

I was at Barnes & Noble the other day and was surprised to see three shelves in the young adult section marked "Teen Paranormal Romance." Really? Three shelves' worth? I know the Twilight Saga is a big deal and all, and I guess I should have expected it, seeing all the Harry Potter knock-offs that blossomed after J.K. Rowling hit it big, but three shelves? Even Harry Potter and his imitators didn't get their own shelf signage, as I remember: "Boy Wizard Adventures?"

Honestly, it's a good thing I was a "tween" before the term "tween" existed. Once I exhausted Chelsea Quinn Yarbro and Anne Rice (and she had a lot fewer installments in her vampire series then), there was very little left for me to worry my mother by obsessively reading.

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