Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Zoo school again

Saturday was the second session of zoo school this year. Eric made the handprint elephant above, which is very clever (thumb as truck, fingers as legs, palm as head and ear).

Despite the later date, this weekend was much colder than the February session. Instead of wandering the zoo, Tommy and I took refuge in the cafe and watched gharials and water turtles swimming through the plate glass window. I took a stack of magazines and managed to skim through 4 of them, plus the day's newspaper, before the kids' classes were over. I'd like to say I'm making progress through my stack (and, well, I guess technically I am, at least in the sense that I'm not falling further behind), but the stack is not getting any less stack-y. In the meantime, of course, I keep seeing books I want to read, so my to-be-read shelf has expanded to two shelves now.

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