Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What daily blogging has taught me

So, after two months of blogging every weekday, I've learned mostly that my life needs to get a lot more interesting to keep up this kind of pace. If it weren't for my backlog of unblogged events from 2010, I'd be scraping closer to the bottom of the barrel than I am already. Assuming I survive this year without any significant backsliding, I'm definitely going to have to downgrade my commitment to two to three times a week for 2012.

Also, that I need to take advantage of time I can grab on weekends to pre-blog. Cheating? Maybe. But without it, you end up with a lot more instances of a random photo of the kids or lame paragraph stuck up at 11:45 PM. I actually do jot down ideas for blogs ahead of time, but unless I go ahead and type up at least a paragraph or two, all my keen ideas never get used because I'm too tired to write them up when I suddenly realize as I'm about to go to bed that I haven't blogged yet today.

Comments. Commenters are great. They let you know that there's someone out there reading all this stuff on occasion and hold you accountable when you think that maybe no one will notice if you fall behind for a week. That's mostly Becky, which is fitting since her blog is the one that convinced me to give this a try in the first place. Thanks, Beck! The rest of you (if there are any more of you), leave a comment sometime! Keeps me honest.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I read your blogs religiously, Sarah!

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