Friday, November 11, 2011

How others apparently live

Can't remember if I've mentioned it here before, but Faith has been going to a weekly class for homeschoolers on Friday mornings at the zoo this fall.  Eric's been staying with my mom, and instead of driving back and forth and spending more than an hour in the car, I go to the McDonald's I frequented during zoo camp this summer and sit with a Diet Coke and free refills to read the newspaper and magazines for a little less than three hours.  Or at least, that's what I normally do.  Today, a mom and her two young-adult daughters sat at the table next to me and talked about planning a resort wedding.  Learned more than I ever wanted to know about prices of resorts in Barcelona vs. those in Mexico and if you have to wear a wristband (why?) and whether they all thought they could each save $2500 in six months to pay for travel and board. Tried to tune them out but couldn't.  Didn't get much reading done this morning.

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