Friday, November 25, 2011

Time in flight

Quick: What's the shortest month of the year?

No, it's not February, calendrical evidence notwithstanding.  It's November.  It seems Halloween is barely in the rear-view mirror, and already Thanksgiving is over and Christmas (too) fast approaching.

Of course, it all depends on your perspective.  Today Eric was complaining about how far away Christmas is and how long it's going to take to get here, even pulling out his calendar to show me how long it is until Christmas.  (It's on a whole other page than Thanksgiving, it turns out.)  Honestly, I remember those days.  The school weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks used to seem like years.  (The existence of end-of-semester tests just added to their unpleasantness.)  That's the difference between having nothing to do but anticipate Christmas and being the one responsible for making Christmas happen.

We had a pleasant afternoon here and got the Christmas lights up outside the house today.  The tree is put together and in the window, too, but by the time I got done stringing lights outside, I didn't feel like dealing with the ornaments the same day.  That will be our job tomorrow.

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