Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A busy weekend

We were unusually busy (for us) last weekend.  Normally, we go out to lunch on Saturday, go to church on Sunday, and call it a weekend.  This past weekend, however, was the opening weekend for "Cars 2," so we had to go see that, considering "Cars" is Eric's favorite movie.  The promos suggesting the sequel is still about Lightning McQueen are pretty misleading; he's mainly in the background this time around, which is a little disappointing.  Then again, it's preferable to the standard sequel which undoes the satisfying wrap-up given the protagonist in the first movie just so they can make it all about him again.  Definitely in the bottom tier of Pixar films, but a low-tier Pixar film is still better than most kids' movies by anyone else.  (Seriously -- the trailers we saw for coming attractions before the movie appalled me to think that's what kids are growing up on these days.  Then again, I liked "The Fox and the Hound.")

After the second-showing-of-the-day matinee, we went to lunch (back to normal there); then we went over to Tommy's brother's house for his and our niece's birthdays and spent the rest of the evening there.  Faith got to swim in their pool, and Eric went in the water for the first time and enjoyed himself but for an unfortunate stepping-off-the-bottom-step incident where he went under and got water up his nose.  I wanted him to get comfortable with the thought of being in a pool before signing him up for swim lessons; nothing less fun than paying for a month of lessons in which he spends the whole time just getting up his courage to go in the water.  When I start Faith back in swim lessons after the summer, I guess it'll be time to sign him up as a Polliwog.

When we woke up for church the next morning, the house was hot, and although air was blowing through the registers, it was warm air.  The air conditioning had broken sometime during the night.   The temperature in the house hit 81 before we left for Sunday School.  Fortunately, the repair man showed up at about 12:30, shortly after we got home from church, and had the cool air blowing again by 1:30.  After that, we went to a late lunch; then Faith was invited to go swimming at a rec center with a lazy river and a water slide with a friend from church. 

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