Thursday, June 16, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

Bleargh.  I'm a day behind again this week, due to a combination of late nights and forgetfulness.  Tuesday's post technically went up on Wednesday, so I'll extend my posting day to Saturday again.  It's good to have a make-up day.

When Faith was little, the combination of her speech problems and shyness denied us the experience we're now enjoying with Eric: when children speak their mind.  Today we dropped by Sonic, and when the carhop came out to deliver our order, Eric rolled down his window and said, "You're short!"  ("I know. I'm only 4-foot-eleven," she told him.) 

Twice he's complained about the amount of time we've had to wait, once at a busy Sonic ("What took you so long?!") and once waiting for a table at a restaurant.  ("We've been waiting for a long, long time," he told the hostess accusingly when they finally found a place for us.)  Probably the worst was a few weeks ago at Cici's, when a large-ish man brought our pizza to the table and was greeted with "You have a round face!"

He's getting away with it so far, because he's cute and four, but I certainly hope we can get a mind-to-mouth filter in place before he gets too much older.

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