Friday, June 3, 2011

What I've done this week.

It's been an exhausting week.  You can always tell when I'm tired at the end of the day because I'm more likely to just slap up a photo of the kids and call it a blog post, and oh look!  three pictures of the kids this week!

We did yard work on Memorial Day -- and the back yard looks much better now that we've pulled all the weeds out of the flower bed.  Tuesday was Faith's last swim lesson of the season.  (We skip the summer, when most kids are in swim lessons: too crowded.)  I also had to do the grocery shopping that day that I usually do on Mondays, because of the holiday.  Then Wednesday was the cleaners' day to come, and Tommy got the day off unexpectedly.  Thursday ... I have no excuse for Thursday, except for all the non-routine days ahead of it wearing me down.  And then today I finally got the contract signed for putting the new roof on our house, which I thought was going to get done on Tuesday but kept getting put off from day to day ... to day.

Hopefully, I'll get rested up over the weekend and be more interesting next week.  (Of course, next week is when the roof is supposed to be replaced....)

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