Saturday, June 11, 2011

Our long national nightmare is over

...or, you know, something like that.

Up until five or six years ago, Tommy and I were frequent diners at Fuddrucker's.  We were there for lunch at least twice a month.  Then, they switched from Coca-Cola to Pepsi products.  The dream was over.  No longer able to have Diet Coke with my hamburger and fries, we stopped going there as frequently and eventually almost entirely.  Two or three times a year, maybe, we'd go, and I'd get by mixing Diet Pepsi with orange soda to cover the taste.

Faith likes the hot dogs with cheese fries, though, and Tommy always up for the bacon cheeseburger, so today I grudgingly went with them.  And lo, and behold, as we walked up to the register, I glanced across the restaurant to the drink machine, and it had a Coca-Cola logo once more!  After all those years, Fuddrucker's came to their senses and went back to Coke products! 

Of course, Eric won't eat anything there, as it's not one of the three restaurants he'll deign to eat anything at: McDonald's, Cici's Pizza, and Joe's Pizza & Pasta.  But since he's going to refuse to eat anyway, he might as well refuse to eat at Fuddrucker's now that I can get Diet Coke there again.

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