Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Snow day

All that snow that fell Thursday night finally made for some actual outside fun for the kids on Friday, instead of just a sheet of ice across the top of the grass. It was aided by the reappearance of the sun, temperatures higher than predicted, and the lovely drip-drip-drip sound of things starting to melt off after 3 days in the deep freeze. Of course, now they're predicting more freezing rain and snow tonight and tomorrow. They predicted snow for Sunday, and it turned out to be a lovely day; I hope their predictive skills are similarly reliable this time. We've had our annual winter weather event, thank you, and it stuck around much longer than usual. There is no clamor for a repeat performance.

1 comment:

mamabeck said...

TOTALLY not enough snow to go sliding down the hill and field and into the fence hard enough to knock icicles down... Oh, wait. That was you and me. HA!

We got MAYBE 1/2 inch here. It covered the trampoline and dusted the roofs. Melted off by noon. YESSS! I can totally deal with that!

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