Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The blogging gremlins are against me!

They'll do whatever they can to get me to break my resolution! Last week, it was the internet being down; now, I have a doctor's appointment in the morning to have a broken finger looked at.

I actually hurt it on Monday, but it wasn't that bad: painful to use, but it didn't swell up or bruise at all until the next morning, and just barely then. I'd been doing a good job of working around it (it's only my pinkie), and it seemed to be getting better. But then today I was digging a hole to plant a hydrangea in the backyard where I'd taken out some Texas sages that had overgrown the area, and my hand slipped on the shovel and twisted my hurt pinkie. If it was just fractured before, now it's definitely broke. It swelled up and bruised right away, and I came in the house and called my doctor just before the office closed for the day to get an appointment for tomorrow. (I've done the ER for a minor injury thing before and have neither the hours of waiting nor the multiple billings to spare.)

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