Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Clear away the barricades, and we're still there!"

The March 2011 issue of "Money" contains an article questioning whether 'my resume makes me look old.' The first tip includes the advice, "Multiple phone numbers make a resume look dated; you're a dinosaur if you list a fax!"

Like cockroaches and Twinkies after a nuclear war, I am gratified to discover that I have stubbornly outlived the fax machine without ever having one or learning how to use one. It gives me hope that I shall one day similarly read the obituary of Facebook. I recall a day a decade or so ago when a motel desk clerk was murdered and the photo printed by the local paper bore the caption "from the victim's MySpace page," which made me deal with the fact that a sixty-year-old motel desk clerk was more up to date than I was at the time -- or am now, for that matter, for all that MySpace has been eclipsed by Facebook. I'm willing to bet Facebook doesn't have as long a run as the fax machine did.

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